

Document Description Price (USD) Click To Purchase

Document Title: Equipment Design

Document Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to define the company equipment's design policy to ensure the safety of the food.
Document Code: C-01
Number Of Pages: 3

21.00 $

Document Title: Equipments Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedure

Document Purpose: The purpose of this document is to prevent food borne illness by ensuring that facility equipments are properly cleaned and sanitized after each use.
Document Code: C-02
Number Of Pages: 4

31.50 $

Document Title: Thermometer Using and Calibrating

Document Purpose: To prevent food borne illness by ensuring that the appropriate type of thermometer is used to measure product temperatures and that thermometers used are correctly calibrated for accuracy.
Document Code: C-03
Number Of Pages: 2

15.75 $
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