Sanitation & Pest Control


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Document Title: Approval of Disinfectant Materials

Document Purpose: This document establishes the minimum requirements for the approval of disinfectants used within the corporate manufacturing areas.
Document Code: E-03
Number Of Pages: 3

21.00 $

Document Title: Microbial Testing of Surfaces

Document Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to provide the corporate operating units with a description of the method for microbial testing of surfaces.
Document Code: E-02
Number Of Pages: 3

21.00 $

Document Title: Pests and Insects Control Guideline

Document Purpose: To provide guidelines for insects, pestsโ€™ infestation prevention and treatment of infected areas in which packing are carried out. Namely, to keep the plant and entire area free of insects, pests etc.
Document Code: E-04
Number Of Pages: 4

26.25 $

Document Title: Sanitation and Pest Control

Document Purpose: This document outlines the efforts to be made to ensure that pests (Rodents and Insects) are controlled in all operational units, including the use of a licensed Pest Control Operator (PCO).
Document Code: E-05
Number Of Pages: 4

26.25 $

Document Title: Sanitation Policy

Document Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide the company Quality Assurance Manager and employees with a description of the method for cleaning and sanitation programs requirements.

Document Code: E-01
Number Of Pages: 6

42.00 $
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